Hills High School is an Co-educational Institution located in the heart of the city ‘Surat’. It is a CBSE affiliated school. The school was started in the year 2010. The primary medium of instruction is English. The School has a team of 150 dedicated and professional faculties which constantly ensure that the children get the most from their education. The school fosters to provide the best learning environment. We maintain the required student teacher ratio. The School has classes upto 12th grade. The school provides Humanities, Commerce and Science stream to choose at higher secondary level. The students have to follow the academic curriculum in a disciplined manner and extra curricular activities are always practiced along with conventional education. The school has produced excellent board results year after year in grade 10th and 12th.
Our priority has been and will always continue to be the holistic education and excellence in all the sphere for our students. We at Hills High School are committed to provide a stress free learning environment that will nurture our students to become better individuals and promote harmony and peace. We apply Experiential and Innovative teaching pedagogies for the all round development of our students. We uphold value based learning to nurture life skills on a day-to-day basis through curricular and co-curricular activities. Our aim is to promote Inclusive Education by providing equal opportunities to all and fulfill the psychological and social needs.
[Curriculum for the Academic Year 2024-25 (IX to XII)]
[Declaration about school text book]
School caters to the learning needs of all categories of children irrespective of their physical challenges. The school has infrastructure facilities like ramp, elevators and toilets for the physically challenged.